Friday, December 12, 2008

A language of love..

As our family became acquainted with the concepts in Gary Samlley's book about the five love languages, each member readily identified Nanny (June Lee) as being one whose language of love was gift giving.

Nanny would spend days shopping for just the right gift for each person. I had a jewelry box with an iris on it. She knew I liked iris. She bought me a beautiful blouse and sweater that were perfect fits and wonderful colors on me. She always bought clothes that fit the kids right then at Christmas and had the toy selection age appropriate. The Christmas ornaments she bought them still adorn our trees. Matt has his precious black goose she bought for the two year old boy who picked it out from all the choices at the store.

Then she would literally stay up all day and night for several days wrapping each gift to perfection. It also took quite some time to put on all the tape she applied to each box! Her beautifully wrapped gifts were always easy to spot under the tree. There was always much amusement as the gifts were unwrapped, and all the tape discovered, and then the oohs and aahs over how right the gift was.

Even when the health of PopPop and then later her own health prevented her from spending time shopping and wrapping, she was extremely generous with monetary gifts.

Smalley says that the way people show love is usually how they want to be loved. I don't think I ever fully returned to Nanny, the love she showed in process of choosing and giving gifts. Hopefully now that I am aware of these concepts, I can learn to love others in the way they value.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Glad to know you have a blog and really enjoyed the holiday thought of Nanny. She really had the love language of giving:) Thanks for the memory